Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mark Cuban NFL Criticisms in Perspective (2)

NFL Owners
I posted the following on Google+:

Reference: Cuban: NFL issues go beyond TV.

Mark Cuban's accusation of greed has met with sarcasm and denouncement, but I urge NFL owners to heed it, even if only in the private, behind-closed-doors reflections and conversations they have. You see, greed is a subjective, very personal criticism, and who's to say really whether or not it's warranted in the NFL case?

But to the extent that success - and the NFL is arguably the most towering success story in professional sports - makes owners lose touch with more latent market trends and even with their soul or conscience, then they put themselves in a dangerous position for the future. Think Kodak, Borders. Think Enron, AltaVista. Think Nokia, Motorola. Think of scores of investors around the world, who in the middle of the last decade, thought the heyday of moneymaking stretched into infinity.

For his loudmouth and occasional irreverence, Cuban is an astute businessman. Again, he may - or may not - be right about the impending NFL implosion. But trouble is afoot, even as it revels in its popularity and riches, and unless its owners do some honest, hard-wrought soul-searching and some honest, behind-the-obvious look at their business, they may themselves, perhaps unwittingly, prove Cuban right. 

Thank you for reading, and let me know what you think!

Ron Villejo, PhD

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